Change Button Name on File Upload Vue

In this tutorial, I volition show you fashion to use Vuetify to build File Upload example with Axios and Multipart File for making HTTP requests. Y'all will also know how to add progress bar, bear witness response bulletin and display list of files' data (with url).

More Practice:
– Vuetify Image Upload with Preview example
– Vuetify Multiple Images Upload example
– Vuetify information-table instance with a CRUD App | 5-data-table
– Vue.js JWT Hallmark with Vuex and Vue Router

Using Bootstrap: Vue File Upload example with Axios & Bootstrap


We're gonna create a Vuetify File upload awarding in that user can:

  • meet the upload process (percent)
  • view all uploaded files
  • link to the file when clicking on the file proper name


Here are APIs that nosotros will use Axios to make HTTP requests:

Methods Urls Deportment
Mail service /upload upload a File
GET /files get Listing of Files (name & url)
Get /files/[filename] download a File

You can find how to implement the Balance APIs Server at one of following posts:
– Node.js Express File Upload Remainder API instance
– Node.js Express File Upload to MongoDB instance
– Node.js Express File Upload to Google Deject Storage example
– Spring Boot Multipart File upload (to static binder) case


  • Vue two.6
  • Axios 0.nineteen.2
  • Vuetify 2

Setup Vuetify File Upload Project

Open cmd at the folder you lot want to save Project binder, run control:
vue create vuetify-upload-files

You lot will see some options, cull default (babel, eslint).

Afterward the Vue projection is created successfully, we import Vuetify with command: vue add together vuetify.
The Panel will show:

          �📦  Installing vue-cli-plugin-vuetify... + [email protected] added 5 packages from 7 contributors and audited 1277 packages in 25.013s found 0 vulnerabilities ✔  Successfully installed plugin: vue-cli-plugin-vuetify ? Choose a preset: Default (recommended) �🚀  Invoking generator for vue-cli-plugin-vuetify... �📦  Installing boosted dependencies... added 7 packages from five contributors and audited 1284 packages in 41.183s found 0 vulnerabilities ⚓  Running completion hooks... ✔  Successfully invoked generator for plugin: vue-cli-plugin-vuetify    The following files take been updated / added:      src/avails/logo.svg      src/plugins/vuetify.js      vue.config.js      package-lock.json      package.json      public/alphabetize.html      src/App.vue      src/components/HelloWorld.vue      src/main.js                  

Open up plugins/vuetify.js, y'all can come across:

          import Vue from 'vue'; import Vuetify from 'vuetify/lib'; Vue.use(Vuetify); export default new Vuetify({ });                  

Then in main.js file, Vuetify object will added automatically to Vue App:

          import Vue from 'vue' import App from './App.vue' import vuetify from './plugins/vuetify'; Vue.config.productionTip = false new Vue({   vuetify,   render: h => h(App) }).$mountain('#app')                  

And vue.config.js:

          module.exports = {   transpileDependencies: ["vuetify"] };                  

Project Construction

Allow's remove unnecessary folders and files, then create new ones like this:


Let me explicate it briefly.

plugins/vuetify.js imports Vuetify library, initializes and exports Vuetify object for main.js.
Nosotros don't demand to practise annihilation with these two files because the command add Vuetify helped us.

UploadFilesService provides methods to save File and get Files using Axios.
UploadFiles component contains upload class, progress bar, display of list files.
App.vue is the container that we embed all Vue components.

http-common.js initializes Axios with HTTP base of operations Url and headers.
– We configure transpile Dependencies and port for our App in vue.config.js

Initialize Axios for Vue HTTP Customer

At present we add Axios library with command: npm install axios.

Under src binder, we create http-mutual.js file like this:

          import axios from "axios"; export default axios.create({   baseURL: "http://localhost:8080",   headers: {     "Content-type": "application/json"   } });                  

Remember to change the baseURL, it depends on Remainder APIs url that your Server configures.

Create Service for File Upload

This service will apply Axios to send HTTP requests.
At that place are ii functions:

  • upload(file): POST form data with a callback for tracking upload progress
  • getFiles(): Become list of Files' information


          import http from "../http-common"; class UploadFilesService {   upload(file, onUploadProgress) {     let formData = new FormData();     formData.append("file", file);     render"/upload", formData, {       headers: {         "Content-Blazon": "multipart/course-data"       },       onUploadProgress     });   }   getFiles() {     render http.get("/files");   } } export default new UploadFilesService();                  

– First nosotros import Axios as http from http-common.js.

FormData is a data structure that can be used to store key-value pairs. Nosotros apply it to build an object which corresponds to an HTML form with append() method.

– We pass onUploadProgress to exposes progress events. This progress issue are expensive (change detection for each result), so you should only use when you desire to monitor it.

– Nosotros call the post() & get() method of Axios to ship an HTTP Post & Get asking to the File Upload server.

Create Component for Upload Files

Allow'south create a File Upload UI with Vuetify Progress Bar, Button and Alert. Nosotros also have Card and List Item Group for displaying uploaded files.

First nosotros create a Vue component template and import UploadFilesService:


          <template> </template> <script> import UploadService from "../services/UploadFilesService"; export default {   name: "upload-files",   data() {     render {     };   },   methods: {      } }; </script>                  

Then we define the some variables inside data()

          export default {   name: "upload-files",   data() {     return {       currentFile: undefined,       progress: 0,       bulletin: "",       fileInfos: []     };   }, };                  
  • fileInfos is an array of {name, url} objects. Nosotros're gonna brandish its data in a Vuetify five-list and v-listing-detail-grouping.
  • progress is the per centum of file upload progress.

Side by side nosotros define selectFile() method which helps us to become the selected Files from v-file-input element in HTML template afterward.

          export default {   proper noun: "upload-files",   ...   methods: {     selectFile(file) {       this.progress = 0;       this.currentFile = file;     },   } };                  

We too define upload() method as following:

          export default {   name: "upload-files",   ...   methods: {     ...     upload() {       if (!this.currentFile) {         this.bulletin = "Please select a file!";         return;       }       this.bulletin = "";       UploadService.upload(this.currentFile, (event) => {         this.progress = Math.round((100 * event.loaded) / upshot.full);       })         .then((response) => {           this.message =;           return UploadService.getFiles();         })         .then((files) => {           this.fileInfos =;         })         .catch(() => {           this.progress = 0;           this.message = "Could not upload the file!";           this.currentFile = undefined;         });     },   } };                  

We check if the currentFile is hither or not. Then we phone call UploadService.upload() method on the currentFile with a callback.

The progress will exist calculated basing on consequence.loaded and
If the transmission is washed, nosotros phone call UploadService.getFiles() to become the files' data and assign the result to fileInfos array.

We besides need to exercise this work in mounted() method:

          consign default {   proper name: "upload-files",   ...   mounted() {     UploadService.getFiles().then(response => {       this.fileInfos = response.information;     });   } };                  

Now we implement the HTML template of the Upload File UI using Vuetify. Add together the following content to <template>:

          <template>   <div>     <div v-if="currentFile">       <div>         <5-progress-linear           v-model="progress"           color="light-blueish"           height="25"           reactive         >           <strong>{{ progress }} %</strong>         </v-progress-linear>       </div>     </div>     <v-row no-gutters justify="center" marshal="center">       <v-col cols="eight">         <v-file-input           show-size           label="File input"           @change="selectFile"         ></v-file-input>       </v-col>       <v-col cols="4" class="pl-2">         <v-btn color="success" nighttime small @click="upload">           Upload           <v-icon right dark>mdi-deject-upload</v-icon>         </v-btn>       </v-col>     </5-row>     <v-alert 5-if="bulletin" border="left" color="blue-grey" dark>       {{ message }}     </five-alert>     <5-card 5-if="fileInfos.length > 0" class="mx-auto">       <v-listing>         <v-subheader>Listing of Files</5-subheader>         <v-list-item-group color="main">           <five-list-particular five-for="(file, index) in fileInfos" :primal="index">             <a :href="file.url">{{ }}</a>           </five-list-item>         </5-listing-item-group>       </v-list>     </v-card>   </div> </template>                  

In the code above, we use Vuetify Progress linear: v-progress-linear. This component will be responsive to user input with v-model. We bind the progress model (per centum) to display within of the progress bar.

The v-btn button will telephone call upload() method, then notification is shown with v-alert.

Add together Upload File Component to App Component

Open App.vue and embed the UploadFiles Component with <upload-files> tag.

          <template>   <five-app>     <v-container fluid manner="width: 600px">       <div class="mb-five">         <h1></h1>         <h2>Vuetify File Upload</h2>       </div>       <upload-files></upload-files>     </v-container>   </v-app> </template> <script> import UploadFiles from "./components/UploadFiles"; export default {   name: "App",   components: {     UploadFiles,   }, }; </script>                  

Configure Port for Vuetify File Upload App

Because most of HTTP Server use CORS configuration that accepts resources sharing restricted to some sites or ports. And then you lot need to configure port for our App.

Alter vue.config.js file past adding devServer:

          module.exports = {   transpileDependencies: ["vuetify"],   devServer: {     port: 8081,   }, };                  

We've set our app running at port 8081. vue.config.js will be automatically loaded by @vue/cli-service.

Run the App

Starting time you demand to run one of post-obit Rest APIs Server:
– Node.js Express File Upload Rest API example
– Node.js Express File Upload to MongoDB case
– Node.js Express File Upload to Google Deject Storage example
– Jump Kick Multipart File upload (to static folder) example
– Spring Boot Multipart File upload (to database) example

And then run this Vue File Upload App with command: npm run serve.

Open Browser with url http://localhost:8081/ and check the result.

Further Reading

  • Vuetify Components: Form Controls
  • Vue Typescript case: Build a CRUD Awarding
  • Vue.js JWT Authentication with Vuex and Vue Router

If you desire to build Vuetify Grime App like this:


You can visit the tutorial:
Vuetify information-table example with a Crud App | v-information-table


Today we're learned how to build an Vue/Vuetify case for upload Files using Axios. We besides provide the ability to show list of files, upload progress bar, and list of uploaded files from the server.

Y'all can find how to implement the Rest APIs Server at i of following posts:
– Node.js Express File Upload Remainder API case
– Node.js Express File Upload to MongoDB example
– Node.js Limited File Upload to Google Deject Storage instance
– Leap Boot Multipart File upload (to static folder) example
– Spring Boot Multipart File upload (to database) example

If you want to upload multiple images at once:


Please visit: Vuetify Multiple Images Upload example

Source Code

The source code for the Vue/Vuetify Client is uploaded to Github.

More Exercise: Vuetify Paradigm Upload with Preview example


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